The East Bay 510k was the final race of this year’s Run the Bay series. As usual, it was a well organized, well supported event. I’ll start with the free parking close to the finish line and the busses to the start line. That was totally rad! Parking has always been a major stress factor for me during races. So having this perk was very much appreciated.
I love the shout out from the start line, it truly made me feel special. The new course was lovely! it was mostly flat and the waterfront view was very pretty. The kayakers gracefully gliding on the water were interesting to watch. Running through the park which was a nice break from the usual blah views of road races.
This was the first race that I had done in two years where I did not have to hold anyones hand or had to use a cane. I can say that I walked this race all by myself! I have to admit that I didn’t think I was able to finish. I was just not ready! I had spent most of my summer exercising in the pool. Then I had to sit out 7 weeks after I had surgery for the Baclofen implant. And it was warm at 8AM in October!! I was exhausted and disappointed. I thought that my leg would be more cooperative specially after the surgery. It was supposed to make my leg looser, but I have not felt much of a difference. Hopefully a few more tweaks to the amount of medication will do the trick. I was relieved to reach the finish line.
I was feeling sentimental about this race. As I had mentioned, this was the last of the Run the Bay Series for the year. I had so much fun being an ambassador for this series. Represent Running was a great group to be a part of. I do hope that they will the program again next year.
Much Love,
Momma Berna