This past Saturday was supposed to be a nice, quiet day. We went to my aunt’s surprise 70th birthday party, had tons of food and enjoyed some family time. Once home, we all decided to do our own things. Scotty had a birthday party to go to, Vincent was passing time playing video games before he picked up his girlfriend. Armando had gone to see Star Wars:Solo. I decided to clean the closet in the office. I have been in a purging mode lately.
So there I was emptying bags, sorting things out for selling, recycling or trash. I was about to throw out an old box when I felt something in it. It was a piece of medical THC in candy bar form. I would make a sucky addict coz I had completely forgotten about my “stash”. I’ve had some of the candy bar before, but just small pieces and all it did was help me sleep. I had just taken my evening meds, and my dumbass decides to have some “candy”. I have never been high (shocker, right?) so I thought maybe I’ll try a bigger piece (about the size of a Hershey’s square) than I had taken before. It took awhile to kick because I kept cleaning and organizing. Then whoa! The tunnel

vision kicked in. I did not know what was going on, so I sent a friend a text “what does being high feel like?” We texted back and forth, then everything got fuzzy. It was as if I just off a tilt-a-whirl, while blindfolded with sheer gauze and then given a few shots of tequila. I remember going to the kitchen to get water thinking that would help. I started to panic. I was home alone, I remember looking for the rest of the candy bar to show the medics in case I was overdosing (yeah, yeah I know…). I called Armando to ask him to come home. I was scared. All he heard was the slur in my words and he rightfully panicked.
I was fighting hard to stay awake, when the medics rushed in all I heard were “stroke”, “survivor”, “smile for me” “lift your arms”. They were assessing for stroke symptoms. There were so many things happening all at once. I was screaming for Armando, I was screaming for my kids. In the ambulance, one of the medics was inserting an IV line says “this is just a little prick” of course I responded with “that’s what she said”. I truly do not remember the rest of the ambulance ride. I apparently kept saying I was in a time loop or I was detached from my body. I think I said “it’s a good thing I am wearing nice panties.”

In the hospital, They ran me through a CT scan which thankfully did not show a stroke. Armando later told me I was saying stuff like “don’t put me on life support” “this can’t be happening again” and “I’m in a time loop”. I told one of the nurses he looked like Chris Pratt.
At some point, I must’ve told them that I had THC. Armando, understandably was pissed and relieved at the same time. The boys thought it was funny and asked why didn’t I share. My sister was there too. I had just put my family through an ordeal we all just dealt with a few months ago with my mom’s stroke.
I kept going in and out of moments of lucidity. I would close my eyes and wish that when I open them, I would be at home in bed. I remember asking the doctor “this is the real world, right?” A nurse asked me if someone slipped me something at a party. I told him, the party was for my 70 year old Aunt, and we came home at 2 P.M. Reality started to come back, slowly and then with a vengeance. The doctors and hospital staff definitely changed their attitude once they learned I had used pot and not had a stroke. It went from caring and compassion to that of annoyance and irritation. At 4:00 AM, they sent me home.
I feel so much guilt, shame and embarrassment from this whole incident. I have profusely apologized to my family for what I have put them through. I honestly do not think I could apologize enough.
I had high hopes (no pun intended) for pain and spasticity relief through THC. That unfortunate first trip caused me to be put off trying it again.
Much Love,
Momma Berna
Disclaimer: This piece is based only from my experience. I neither condone nor condemn the use of marijuana.